Sensory refers to sensation or the sensory systems
Ergonomics refers to the relationship between the individual and his/her environment.

Sensory ergonomics therefore can be defined as manipulating an environment like the classroom through either adding or withdrawing sensory stimuli to meet the needs of the child to enhance functioning within the classroom. In other words, ā€œChanging space to accommodate learningā€

For sensory sensitive children the teacher could:

  • Reduce clutter and create clean and organized spaces
  • Move the child away from the air conditioner or fan
  • Using mats or carpets to absorb sound
  • Organize the classroom so that materials are within easy reach for the child to prevent unnecessary moving / getting up from the desk.

For sensory seeking children:

  • Use bright lighting
  • Use different texture in your regulation station
  • Place them in group assignments
  • Use background music

Sensory strategies areĀ designed to either help the students remain in a calm and alert state in order for them to be able to focus. It could be used to increase their level of alertness, or arousal, or to reduce alertness depending on their individual sensory needs. The goal of using sensory strategies is that they will help the student to achieve their optimal level of performance in the class and thus learn effectively when strategies are used. E,g of strategies would be fidget toys, move and sit cushions, noise cancelling head phones, etc

A sensory diary can be kept by adults (teachers or parents) for younger children to assist them in developing a sensory diet for the child. The diary keeps a record of behavior s associated with sensory processing difficulties to note triggers and strategies that assist the child. and children who are old enough are able to keep their own diaries of ow they are feeling throughout the day and what strategies they use to help them.

Despite how it sounds, a sensory diet has nothing to do with food. It’s actually more like a schedule of activities to help kids with sensory difficulties get through the day.
Just as your child needs food throughout the course of the day, his need for sensory input must also be met. A ā€œsensory dietā€ (coined by OT Patricia Wilbarger) is a carefully designed, personalized activity plan that provides the sensory input a child needs to stay focused and organized throughout the day.
Just as you may jiggle your knee or chew gum to stay awake or soak in a hot tub to unwind, children need to engage in stabilizing, focusing activities too. Infants, young children, teens, and adults with mild to severe sensory issues can all benefit from a personalized sensory diet. Each child has a unique set of sensory needs.

Sensory circuits or Regulation stations are areas within the classroom that provided varied sensory activities that students can access throughout the day. It is usually a sequence of activities done repeatedly to provide the child with the right type of sensory input in order to calm and organise them for the day ahead ready for learning to occur. It aims to provide a sensory balanced atmosphere within the classroom that facilitates active learning.

A sensory profile helps to understand a childā€™s sensory processing pattern in everyday life situations. The questionnaire is based answering numerous questions that involve the 7 senses and the effect on functional performance. It gauges how often a child responds to various sensory stimuli from the environment as well as how this affects their behavior, attention and emotion.