Welcome to the Words First shop!

Over the course of a decade, our Speech and Language Therapy team, with the help of three designers, Jarred Kramer, Karin LeRoux and John Bertram, have created a range of research-based resources to meet the Speech and Language Therapy (and Occupational Therapy) needs in our schools. These resources range from EYFS to Key Stage 4, and aim to support parents/carers, teachers as well as Teaching Assistants who run small groups.

We decided to invest our time and energy in these resources for three reasons:

  1. We LOVE being creative, and having the chance to design and develop a resource has been a wonderful creative outlet for our team.

  2. Team building – being part of a collaborative group from beginning to end has brought us closer together. To see the end result in one of our brightly-coloured resources that are used in our schools is a truly rewarding experience.

  3. We own the copyright for all our resources and therefore we can distribute them freely within our schools, without worrying about (or inevitably) breaking the copyright of someone else’s hard work. Our two artists are incredibly talented, with differing skills depending on the targeted age for the resource.

Schools that commission Words First Ltd through a Service Level Agreement are able to access ALL of our resources FREE OF CHARGE. Amanda will send out regular emails to all Words First schools and will attach our latest resource – you can keep a file of these on your computer and use them whenever needed. If your school requires Speech and Language or Occupational Therapy, please contact Amanda@wordsfirst.co.uk to discuss your needs and budget.

Copyright Notice

While your Service Level Agreement is in place, you may distribute and use all our resources freely to benefit the pupils and staff in your school. This includes being able to photocopy, email and share our resources in any medium. We made them to benefit children and teachers so we are more than happy if they do just that!

Should your school require resources but you do not have a Service Level Agreement, or your budget does not allow regular Speech and Language Therapy or Occupational Therapy, the first step is to contact Amanda@wordsfirst.co.uk to discuss your needs. Amanda will always listen and recommend the best option for your school – this may include working with local Speech and Language Therapists or the NHS while being able to access Words First Ltd for specific support. Alternatively, if you let Amanda know your budget, she will put together a proposal for Speech and Language / Occupational Therapy that is within budget and meets your needs.

For schools that do not commission Words First Ltd, you may purchase the resources and use them as follows:

  • You may share the resource freely in your school.
  • You may email copies to staff as well as parents and use the resources for training.
  • If you feel someone outside your school would benefit from one of our resources, please ask them to purchase it and then they too can use it freely within their school.

We hope that you love our resources as much as we do – we hope to add a bit of colour and fun to your classrooms and intrevention groups.

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