All set to learn the alphabet?
An informative and concise advice sheet for teachers about hearing impairments, the different levels of hearing loss and strategies that can be used in the classroom.
Blanks Level Programme
This programme introduces the research by Marion Blank, who found that there were 4 different levels of questions children are asked, ranging from simple to complex. It then provides suggested…
Letter Knowledge Home Programme
A wonderful step-by-step programme designed to make the beginning stages of literacy meaningful to your child. Filled with fun activities and games for you to use to support your child…
Ready, Steady… ACTION! A programme to reinforce verbs
A wonderful resource to support children to learn verbs. This programme has pre and post informal tests to measure each child’s progress in both awareness and use of verbs. Clear,…
Reasons to Read with your Children Poster / Handout
Teachers can send this to parents and carers as a reminder about the importance of reading to your children.
Sequencing Stars – a programme to reinforce sequencing skills
The Sequencing Stars programme is designed to develop a child’s sequencing skills using familiar routines and pictures. By the end of this programme children should be able to sequence five…
Sequencing Starts – Programme to support sequencing skills in school and at home
The Listen and teaching assistants.