Moira Smith

Admin and HR Lead

Various qualifications in PR, Sales and HR

Hi, my name is Moira, and I was born before most of the parents of our therapists.Ā  I did GCE O levels and A levels, which proves my point.Ā  My career before Words First was a varied journey from holiday rep in Spain, PR Officer for a huge engineering group in London, Media Manager for an advertising agency in Zambia to 20 years running advertising teams at South Africaā€™s oldest daily newspaper, being well trained in HR while there. I also wrote a regular column ā€œGrumpy old Bagā€, which gave me a wonderful opportunity to rant about anything I found particularly annoying.Ā Ā 

Amanda offered me a chance to make a late career change, and to join her soon after she started Words First. She had a vision of how to make a difference to children with SEN and I didnā€™t hesitate to join her and support this as best I could.Ā  For the last 7 years I have put my HR training to good use as HR Lead with Words First.Ā  I have also been bestowed with theĀ  all-encompassing title of ā€œAdmin Leadā€ which has necessitated this old dog learning many new tricks, especially in the world of accounts.Ā Ā Ā 

I cannot specifyĀ  a particular book that influenced me, rather a time in literatureĀ  that inspired a lifelong love of its poetry, prose and plays ā€“ the writings of World War 1.Ā Ā 

If my friends had to describe me in three words, it would probably be ā€“ will arrive late!