Rhea Philip


Hello, my name is Rhea.Ā Ā 

I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology in 2021, after which I decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in Clinical Speech-Language Sciences at the University of Reading, UK in 2022. During my internship, I worked with paediatric and adult cases in different clinics on a wide range of voice, speech, and language disorders, like stuttering, cleft palate, and vocal cord palsy. Being an audiologist has made me perceptive about hearing impairment and auditory verbal therapy. I also worked as an Autism Practitioner while studying, which honed my interest in autism spectrum disorder.Ā Ā 

Words First has given me the opportunity to work in several schools, allowing me to explore and learn from such a talented and dedicated team. This has truly inspired me to better myself as a clinician and improve my skills.Ā Ā 

I like to read, dance, and sing. I enjoy watching horror movies and trying new food. If you had to call my best friend and ask her to describe me, she’d say I’m charismatic, funny, and sassy.Ā