Christos Dalatsoudis


Hello, my name is Christos.

I studied Speech and Language Therapy in Greece and I graduated in 2018. I have been working as a Speech and Language Therapist in the U.K. since 2020 supporting children 4-11 years of age with ASD, ADHD and SEMH diagnoses and significant expressive and receptive language difficulties. I am also extremely interested in working with children who use various types of AAC methods as I am keen on assisting them to develop or increase their functional communication skills.

I firmly believe that consistent communication between parents and the professionals around a child is key, as the ability to apply communication strategies in various contexts and settings is crucial for a childā€™s language development. I decided to join Words First as the company provides its services in a plethora of schools around London and consists of a great number of highly experienced SaLTs, giving me the chance to gain more experience and work beside the best.

In my free time I like playing tennis, watching tv shows and discovering European cities. If you had to call my best friends to describe me I guess (and hope) they would describe me as optimistic, funny and determined. Thank you for your time!