Sonali Haridass


Hello, my name is Sonali.

Iā€™m a Speech and Language Therapist from South Africa. I graduated cum laude from the University of the Witwatersrand in 2016.

My career began at Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital in Johannesburg, where I found my feet as a paediatric speech and language therapist. I worked with diverse communities, providing therapy for children with complex communication and feeding needs. I eventually went on to establish my own private practice at a multidisciplinary centre in Cape Town and worked extensively with neurodiverse learners and their families. Creating my own business was an empowering experience and prompted my solo move to the UK.

My experiences in South Africa shaped my thinking, personally and professionally. I gained an invaluable understanding of the role of equality and social justice in supporting our young learners, and strongly believe in child-centred therapy. I am fortunate enough to apply this knowledge in my current setting, where I am developing my specialism in social, emotional and mental health. I strive to make learners feel seen and heard- to give them a sense of autonomy through their unique communication styles.

Iā€™m commonly described as a quirky, sentimental introvert. I invest most of my personal time into self-care, which always includes chai, comfortable shoes and the company of my loved ones.